Society of Juridical and Administrative Scriences will organize the following international conferences in 2024:
Society of Juridical and Administrative Scriences will organize the following international conferences indexed in Web of Scrience Clarivate Analytics in 2023:
The Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences together with the Law Department of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies organize on October 9, 2020 the 3rd edition of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE „CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES IN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW FROM AN INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVE”. Details on |
The Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences together with the Law Department of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies organize on November 8, 2019 the 9th edition of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "PERSPECTIVES OF BUSINESS LAW IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM". Details on |
The Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences together with the Law Department of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies organize on May 17, 2019 the 2nd edition of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE „CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES IN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW FROM AN INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVE”. Details on |
ADJURIS – INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC PUBLISHER - Publishing House founded by the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences - was included among publishers recognized by CLARIVATE ANALYTICS (former THOMSON REUTERS) |
PERSPECTIVES OF LAW AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONis published starting in 2018 semesterly in the online edition. This journal is indexed in international databases EBSCO, HEINONLINE, PROQUEST, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, WORLDCAT, KVK, DOAJ, REPEC, INDEXCOPERNICUS, ULRICHSWEB, OAJI, VLEX as well as in many international libraries and catalogs. |
The e-book „Diversity and Interdisciplinarity in Business Law”, editors Adriana Moțatu, Ioana Nely Militaru, ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, 2017 was indexed in Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters). This volume includes some of the scientific papers presented at the 7th edition of the International Conference „PERSPECTIVES OF BUSINESS LAW IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM”. |
The e-book „Contemporary Challenges in the Business Law”, editor Cătălin-Silviu Săraru, ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, 2017 was indexed in Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters). This volume includes some of the papers presented at the 6th edition of the International Conference „PERSPECTIVES OF BUSINESS LAW IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM”. |
The e-book European Administrative Space - recent challenges and evolution prospects, author Cătălin-Silviu Săraru, ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher, 2017, was indexed in Book Citation Index Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters). |
International Conference "PERSPECTIVES OF BUSINESS LAW IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM" was indexed in Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Thomson Reuters. |
Volume „Catalin-Silviu Sararu (ed.), STUDIES OF BUSINESS LAW - RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES, Peter Lang GMBH, 2013” includes proceedings submitted in the second edition of the International Conference "PERSPECTIVES OF BUSINESS LAW IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM" was indexed in Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Thomson Reuters. |
“Perspectives of Business Law” Journal, journal of the International Conference "PERSPECTIVES OF BUSINESS LAW IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM", was included in the international database CEEOL. |
The Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences and The Law Department of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies will organize on November 25-26, 2016 the 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: „PERSPECTIVES OF BUSINESS LAW IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM”. Details on: |
JURIDICAL TRIBUNE-TRIBUNA JURIDICA Journal has been indexed in Thomson Reuters Master Journal List. . |
The Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences and The Law Department of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies will organize on November 20, 2015 the 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: “PERSPECTIVES OF BUSINESS LAW IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM”. Details on: | |
Union of Jurists of Romania has offered the Prize "Anibal Teodorescu" in 2014 to Mr. Lecturer Catalin-Silviu Sararu, Ph.D., President of the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences, for the work „Cartea de contracte administrative – modele, comentarii, explicaţii” ("The Book of administrative contracts - models, comments, explanations") published by C.H. Beck Publishing House.
This paper represents a premiere in Romania. For details click here: |